Sunday, August 28, 2011

Innocent Curiousity: starting out

(Archive Journal from 2007)

"Where does the mission start?  Does it start by traveling across the world and experiencing a new culture?  I have ventured out seeking out what "missions" is and continue to...

First I watch a slideshow of a missionary, hear a powerful speech about their experience, I give my ten dollars to mission offering, I go to distrubte clothes and food to those in need, I hand out tracks, I share stories that would be told at a bonfire while someone plays the bongo drums...

But you know what- where was the mission created through all these things?  Well, in the heart, if it is not real, it's not real!  In the midst of my continuing search, I'm tempted to put on some kind of super hearo mask, it causes me to be cliche' and not genuine.

Throw all of this away!  I find the true meaning of missions when I enter my home and intereact with family members, when I get into deep discussions with my co-workers, when I invited an un-believer to church..."

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We all have a purpose

We all have a mission

But what does it mean to be a missionary?  Where did the word come from?  What does it mean to be called?  How do you know if you are called?  And if so...what's the next step.  This blogsite will hopefully paint a picture of understanding... a journey taken to better understand these questions that we sometimes tend to put on a backshelf or give a quick answer to.

Join me as I go on a mission for the meaning of MISSIONS.

In My Tree

In my tree, I would daydream
I would climb a branch, pick a leaf
And sing a song

A song of words with no rhyme or reason
By chance it might be about that leaf
Or the changing of season

I would peek through the top of the tree
And see
A flock of white clouds float by
Then I would sigh...
... God maybe You're in those clouds
up there
or somewhere in the air
I just want to say to You
What You created is beautiful

Then there was silence... nothing
From Him, was I missing something?

So I went to church with a friend
Wore just the right shoes, dress, and headband
I said the right words, gave a sweet smile
But I wanted to know this God all the while
After pretending and playing dress-up
I finally gave up

I surrendered

I found God as real as could be
In my brokeness down on my knees
I realized the price that His son Jesus paid
My sins on His cross so there could be a way

A way to be forever with Him
Jesus said, "I am The Way"
So with a change of heart, I entered in
To a covenant of love with my God and my King

Now I can sit in my tree and sing
With a purpose, knowing what He did for me
He's not only in those clouds, in this tree
He's alive and living in me!

Now in my tree, I daydream
About how awesome my Creator is
He is mine
And I am His