Sunday, August 28, 2011

Innocent Curiousity: starting out

(Archive Journal from 2007)

"Where does the mission start?  Does it start by traveling across the world and experiencing a new culture?  I have ventured out seeking out what "missions" is and continue to...

First I watch a slideshow of a missionary, hear a powerful speech about their experience, I give my ten dollars to mission offering, I go to distrubte clothes and food to those in need, I hand out tracks, I share stories that would be told at a bonfire while someone plays the bongo drums...

But you know what- where was the mission created through all these things?  Well, in the heart, if it is not real, it's not real!  In the midst of my continuing search, I'm tempted to put on some kind of super hearo mask, it causes me to be cliche' and not genuine.

Throw all of this away!  I find the true meaning of missions when I enter my home and intereact with family members, when I get into deep discussions with my co-workers, when I invited an un-believer to church..."

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